~ The 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States ~

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Most importantly, we want your active participation in helping to pass this amendment.

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A Corrupt Aristocracy

The Congress of the United States is a corrupt aristocracy, primarily concerned with perpetuating the interests of a dark cabal of corporate/government elites. The desire for wealth and power drives this corruption and the corruption of our society.

Our government officials no longer serve the interests of the people. There is no concept of the "greater good" or of "promoting the general welfare". There is no higher purpose. There is only self-interest and sectarian advantage. We have descended into what George Washington called, "the despotism of political factions".

The corporate media (where more than 90% of people get their information) is controlled by this dark cabal of corporate/government elites. The "news" is twisted and spun to create false narratives that serve the interests of the elites. The primary purpose of the corporate media is to "entertain" and distract people from what is really going on. It is all professional wrestling.

The primary "false narrative" of the corporate media is the political war between left and right. It is a war that is fueled by outrage based on the most extreme use cases. One of the key economic principles of corporate media and social networks is that outrage engages people, which generates more advertising revenue. If you can divide people through outrage, your profits grow.

Everyone needs to wake up and realize that this dark cabal of corporate/government elites is at war with the masses. They are attempting to establish a "new world order" based on a neo-feudalism, an order that will enshrine their power for generations. They and their families will rule. The rest of us will merely be serfs; we "will own nothing and be happy".[ref]

The dark energy of the "Trump Phenomena" is a natural reaction to the manipulative power being exercised by the corporate/government elites; these corrupt elites are actually responsible for the creation the "Trump Phenomena". If this dark energy had not been embodied by a weak, narcissistic, failed businessman from New York, it would have been embodied by some other dark energy soul. Because of the actions of the corrupt elites, the MAGA cult that funnels people's outrage was inevitable.

What is needed is a means to destroy the power of this dark cabal of corporate/government elites and to create a structure that will bring people together in an "Optimist Coalition", establishing liberty and justice for all. The 28th Amendment is the foundation of that structure. The [name] Economic Plan provides the building blocks of that structure.

The elites control our political process through corporate lobbying. Nothing significant will ever be accomplished until the corrupt power of corporate lobbyists is destroyed.

The Great Compromise of 2024

The essence of the 28th Amendment is that the corporate income tax will be repealed and corporate lobbying will be abolished.

Corporations shall be prohibited from influencing government policy except through text correspondence and public testimony. Back room deals in the dark shadows where influence is traded for wealth shall be prohibited.

Additionally, corporations "shall donate a minimum of 30% of their annual earnings from within the United States to causes for social good not controlled by or for the predominant benefit of members of the organization."

The greatest danger facing our society is not terrorism. The greatest danger facing our society is that our business organizations are primarily run by narcissists who believe the only thing that matters is the bottom line at the end of the quarter. They are consumed by greed and the lust for power, and they believe that any means that enhances their position is justified, even if it means bribing and blackmailing our politicians and government officials.[ref]

By requiring businesses to donate 30% of their profits to to causes for social good there will be hundreds of thousands of independent social experiments. One thing business leaders are very good at is establishing metrics and measuring results. The most impactful experiments will receive greater funding, the failed experiments will be quickly discarded, all with no government bureaucracy. Power will devolve away from Washington, D.C. into local communities.

This collective act of charity in itself will transform souls and change the world. Through acts of charitable service, businesses will become deeply connected to the communities they profit from.

Clean Up

The 28th Amendment overturns Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Money does not equal free speech.

The 28th Amendment ends gerrymandering. Politicians should not be able to manipulate voting district boundaries for their own advantage, resulting in unfair electoral outcomes.

The 28th Amendment Balkanizes wealth, preventing wealthy individuals from one state from influencing the politics of another state. The United States is a democracy, not an oligarchy

The 28th Amendment requires detailed financial reporting on political incomes and expenditures.

The 28th Amendment prohibits senators from blocking presidential appointments for petty political reasons.

The 28th Amendment protects the rights of the people to buy, sell, store and own gold or other precious metals.

The 28th Amendment prohibits the creation of a central bank digital currency.

The 28th Amendment establishes fiscal responsibility.

Fiscal Responsibility

The elites love deficit spending and the resulting inflation because it is a means to transfer wealth from the masses to the aristocracy. This concentration of wealth has been steadily increasing over the past fifty years.[ref]


Image used with attribution under the "Doctrine of Fair Use" for educational purposes.

The elites who hold their wealth in real assets (stocks, real estate, etc) see the value of those assets increase with inflation. The working class who depend on wages, sees the value of those wages decrease with inflation. Inflation is a tax on the value of money. It is a tax that is not readily seen. It is a tax used by the corporate/government elites to deceive the masses.

The 28th Amendment puts a brake on government spending and the resulting inflation by limiting annual increases to 1% in times of high debt and/or high spending relative to GDP. Amazingly, the "1% Solution" puts our fiscal house back in order in a period of about eight years.

There is both an economic and psychological component to inflationary expectations. If people fear that things are not going to change, eventually there is a tipping point into hyper-inflation and currency collapse. The "1% Solution" will act as a governing mechanism; it will diminish people's fear and break the psychology of inflationary expectations.

Currently, we are heading towards a hyper-inflationary cliff, a currency collapse, social chaos and the rise of an authoritarian ruler. [If you like this scenario, get into your time machine and go back to Germany in the 1920s.]

We need to put the brakes on before we head over that cliff. The 28th Amendment applies the brakes. Nothing else does. The Congress of the United States is a corrupt aristocracy. Do you think they will instantly find integrity? They will not.

If you think the rise of an authoritarian ruler is not possible in America, you have not been listening to Donald J. Trump and you do not have an awareness of the people he admires most.

Everyone needs to familiarize themselves with Project 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k3UvaC5m7o It is Trump's Mein Kampf.

The 28th Amendment also puts boundaries on the corrupt Congressional aristocracy by mandating one third of federal expenditures:

The budgets created by the corrupt Congressional aristocracy contain massive amounts of pork and waste. It is a story no longer covered by corporate media because they do not want to diminish the image that the government elites know what they are doing. By mandating expenditures, the 28th Amendment prevents corrupt politicians from ignoring major needs. It will eventually squeeze the pork and waste out of the budget.

The 28th Amendment will mandate about $1.0 trillion every year (21% of federal revenues) to fund infrastructure. What China did in the last thirty years, we will do in the next twenty years.

Most significantly, the annual budget for space exploration and development will dramatically increase, from around $25 Billion (0.48% of the budget) today to over $150 Billion annually, a 6x increase, reigniting the "Pioneering Age of Empire".

There are many who believe the "American Empire" is in decline.[ref] The 28th Amendment along with the [name] Economic Plan will change our course in The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival to a better course, establishing an Age of Virtue and Creativity.

The XXVIII Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

1. The rights of individuals under this Constitution shall not be applied to corporations or other organizations.

2. Congress and the states shall have the power to regulate and define the legal rights of corporations and other organizations.

3. Except for the narrow exemptions under section four of this amendment, for-profit corporations and other for-profit organizations shall make no expenditures (directly or by coordinating individual actions or by allocating resources or by any other means) to or for the benefit of political causes, political organizations, political candidates, government officials or lobbying organizations (including legal firms engaged in lobbying and business groups engaged in lobbying).

4. For-profit corporations and other for-profit organizations shall be permitted to petition the federal, state and local governments only for the direct business interests of their organization and only by using full-time employees who are employed exclusively by their organization and have never held elected public office. For-profit corporations, other for-profit organizations and anyone or any organization representing their specific interests (including legal firms engaged in lobbying and business groups engaged in lobbying) shall be permitted to petition the federal, state and local governments exclusively by text correspondence and/or public testimony.

a. In the petitioning process, a complete and searchable textual transcript of any correspondence, including the identification of the petitioner and recipients, shall be posted by the petitioner to an on line, text searchable, widely available public archive within three days of the correspondence transmittal and shall be maintained in the archive for a period of no less than twenty-four years. Specific exceptions to this provision may be made by Congress for reasons directly related to specified issues of national security.

b. In the petitioning process, a video recording and a complete and searchable textual transcript of public testimony, including the identities of all participants, shall be posted by the government to an on line, text searchable, widely available public archive within ten days of the testimony and shall be maintained in the archive for a period of no less than twenty-four years. Specific exceptions to this provision may be made by Congress for reasons directly related to specified issues of national security.

c. Under the provisions of this amendment, advertising or other promotional undertakings with the purpose of influencing public policy shall be considered a form of petitioning the government and shall be prohibited for use by for-profit corporations, other for-profit organizations and anyone or any organization representing their specific interests (including legal firms engaged in lobbying and business groups engaged in lobbying).

5. With the exceptions of import tariffs, capital gains taxes and payroll taxes, the federal government shall not have the power to tax corporations or other organizations. The federal government shall have the power to set requirements on corporations and other organizations regarding the disbursement of earnings.

6. For-profit corporations and other for-profit organizations having any part of their operations or revenue generated within the United States shall donate a minimum of 30% of their annual earnings from within the United States to causes for social good not controlled by or for the predominant benefit of members of the organization. Nefarious collusion or reciprocity with other organizations or individuals is prohibited.

a. The annual earnings of for-profit corporations and other for-profit organizations shall be calculated by the highest uniform accounting standards with no legislative exclusions and based on the actual earnings of all related entities. Corporate structures designed for the purpose of disguising earnings and/or evading taxes shall be prohibited. Earnings within the United States shall be calculated based on the proportion of revenue generated within the United States.

b. Up to 10% of annual earnings shall be credited for state and local taxes against the 30% donation requirement.

c. A text searchable semi-annual report containing a summary and detailed description of such donations including amounts shall be posted by for-profit corporations or other for-profit organization to a text searchable, widely available public archive and be maintained in that archive for a period of not less than twenty-four years.

7. When a fiscal year ends with federal expenditures exceeding 30% of GDP or with the federal government in excessive debt (200% of GDP or above), the total annual expenditures for the following fiscal year shall increase at a rate no greater than 1%.

a. Expenditures for Social Security and Medicare shall be separate and exempt from this provision.

b. Expenditures for interest and payments on the national debt shall be separate and exempt from this provision.

c. During a time of declared war that has been ratified within the current or previous fiscal year, expenditures for national defense shall be separate and exempt from this provision.

d. Following three consecutive quarters of decreases in GDP or in a time of dire emergency ratified by a two thirds vote in both houses of Congress, an optional stimulus bill, not exceeding 10% of GDP, shall be separate and exempt from this provision. Only one such stimulus bill may be provisioned in the fiscal year.

e. A minimum of 21% of federal revenues shall be used to fund infrastructure: water, transportation, energy, communications, community structures and environment.

f. A minimum of 3% of federal revenues shall be used to fund scientific research and development.

g. A minimum of 3% of federal revenues shall be used to fund non-military space exploration and development.

h. A minimum of 3% of federal revenues shall be used to fund industrial policies to enhance American industrial competitiveness.

i. A minimum of 3% of federal revenues shall be proportionally allocated to the states for funding early stage businesses. 50% of this funding shall be allocated to businesses owned by women. For the next 345 years (1964 -1619) following the ratification of this amendment, an additional 1% of federal revenues shall be allocated for funding early stage businesses owned by African Americans. An additional 1% of federal revenues shall be allocated for funding early stage businesses owned by veterans.

8. Any for-profit corporation or any other for-profit organization that willfully violates the provisions of this amendment shall pay the Department of the Treasury a fine per incident, equivalent to one-tenth the of the organization's average annual earnings over the past six years; the earnings shall be calculated in accordance with subsection 6.a of this amendment.

9. The Congress and the states shall have the power to regulate campaign contributions, including the contributions an individual makes to his/her own campaign and contributions made to political organizations; with the more restrictive regulations taking precedence. Money does not equal free speech.

a. The President and candidates for the Presidency shall only accept campaign contributions from United States citizens or from public financing.

b. Governors and candidates for a state governorship shall only accept campaign contributions from United States citizens who are residents of their state or from public financing.

c. Members of Congress and candidates for Congress shall only accept campaign contributions from United States citizens who are residents of their state or from public financing.

c. Members of state legislatures and candidates for state legislatures shall only accept campaign contributions from United States citizens who are residents of their state or from public financing.

d. With the exceptions of general organizational activities and the promotion of ideas, not for-profit organizations, including political parties, political action committees and all lobbying organizations, shall make no expenditures (directly or by coordinating individual actions or by allocating resources or by any other means) to or for the benefit of political candidates or government officials. These groups must operate in the realm of general organizational activities and political ideas; these groups must not be used as conduits to funnel resources to or for the benefit of political candidates or government officials.

e. Individuals and organizations involved in political activity must make a semi-annual detailed disclosure of their political expenditures and a continuous and immediate detailed disclosure of their political incomes (including the identity of their donors and the amounts of donations). The disclosures shall be text searchable and be posted by the individual or organization to an on line, text searchable, widely available public archive and shall be maintained in the archive for a period of no less than twenty-four years.

f. No individual or organization involved in political activity shall accept contributions from a foreign entity or an individual who is not a citizen of the United States. No foreign entity or individual shall be permitted to fund political causes.

10. The boundaries of Congressional districts shall be determined by independent state commissions that shall make their decisions based on established geographic boundaries, fairness and not political advantage; the final result must be highly compact districts with boundaries that are reasonably straight. The provisions of this section shall be applied to the next federal election two years after the ratification of this amendment and all elections thereafter.

11. The boundaries of state legislative districts shall be determined by independent state commissions that shall make their decisions based on established geographic boundaries, fairness and not political advantage; the final result must be highly compact districts with boundaries that are reasonably straight. The provisions of this section shall be applied to the next state election two years after the ratification of this amendment and all elections thereafter.

12. The rights of the people to buy, sell, store and own gold or other precious metals shall not be infringed or taxed in any way by federal, state or local governments.

13. The Federal Reserve or any other government sponsored agency/entity shall be prohibited from creating a digital currency or citizen financial accounts that provide banking functions.

14. All Presidential nominees shall be considered confirmed by the Senate unless two thirds of the Senate rejects the nominee within sixty days of the Presidential nomination.

15. Except where otherwise noted, the provisions of this amendment shall go into effect on first day of October following ratification by the states. The Congress and the states shall have power to enforce this amendment by appropriate legislation that in no way limits the provisions of this amendment.

16. For all future amendments to this Constitution, the ratification process shall expire twelve years after being proposed by Congress or by a Constitutional Convention; once a state legislature ratifies an amendment, the legislature of that state shall not have the power to revoke ratification.

"It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them."

~ Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince

Reality: Dark Forces are Allied Against Us

We recognize that many members of congress are being bribed and or blackmailed by the dark cabal of corporate/government elites.[ref]

The hedge fund managers (of which Jeffrey Epstein was a member) enjoy immense political power which has enabled them to secure some of the most lucrative corporate tax breaks, of which the "Carried Interest Loophole" is the most egregious.[ref]

Many of the large private equity firms operate in the shadows. They have attained a concentration of wealth not seen since the Gilded Age. "As an industry they own more businesses than all those listed on US stock exchanges combined."[ref]

"But it isn't just that [private equity] firms benefit from the law: They take great pains to shape it, too. Since 1990, private equity and investment firms have given over $900 million to federal candidates and have hired an untold number of senior government officials to work on their behalf. These have included cabinet members, speakers of the House, generals, a C.I.A. director, a vice president and a smattering of senators. Congressional staff members have found their way to private equity, too: Lobbying disclosure forms for the largest firms are filled with the names of former chiefs of staff, counsels and legislative directors. Carlyle, for instance, at various times employed two former F.C.C. chairmen, a former S.E.C. chair, a former NATO supreme allied commander, a former secretary of state and a former British prime minister, among others."[ref]

Buying off members of Congress with the promise of a future job is standard practice for hundreds of members of Congress and senior staffers. "More than 460 former members of Congress are currently employed by lobbying firms, according to research from the Center for Responsive Politics."[ref]

And of course there is a vast amount of corrupt corporate lobbying by "Big-Tech", "Big-Pharma", "Big-Ag", the oil companies, the chemical companies, the "military industrial complex" and thousands of other corporations.

Total lobbying spending in the United States from 1998 to 2023
(in billion U.S. dollars)


Image used with attribution under the "Doctrine of Fair Use" for educational purposes.

Truth: There is Strength in Numbers (After all, we are still a Democracy, for now.)

The 28th amendment will pass, sooner than anyone expects.

"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come." ~ Victor Hugo

How are we going to get this done?

First, we are going to track every member of Congress and get them on record as to whether or not they support the 28th Amendment.
No response means no.

Second, we are going to organize millions of Americans by zip code and activate them through social media and "in real life neighbor social campaigns" to advocate for the passage of the 28th Amendment. You can make a difference! ("Join Us" above.)

Third, if the 28th Amendment is not passed by Congress by July 4, 2025, we are going to primary every member of Congress who opposes this noble endeavor. Most members of Congress are in "safe seats" for the general election and the only thing they really worry about is being primaried.

The Optimist Coalition will embrace both Democrats and Republicans who support the 28th Amendment. We will find the best candidates to unseat the incumbents.

The number of eligible voters in the 2022 off-cycle election was 214 million.[ref] The number of registered voters in the 2022 off-cycle election was 161 million.[ref] 46 million people voted in the 2022 off-cycle election (21% of eligible voters; 29% of registered voters).[ref] That is on average 106,000 primary voters per Congressional district (435 total). If we activate on average 54,000 voters per district, we can vote out every incumbent. We will encourage new voters and voters of the opposing party to register to vote against the incumbent and for the candidate of The Optimist Coalition.

435 * 54,000 = 23.5 million.
23.5 / 214 = 11%

If we can activate 11% of eligible voters, we can change the world.

The ultimate result will be a new political movement that will supersede political parties.

Certainly our two current major political parties have failed us.

If you are not familiar with George Washington's Farewell Address, he warned of party dissension and the rise of a despot like Donald J. Trump.

"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation on the ruins of public liberty."

~ George Washington's Farewell Address, September 1796

Why are you doing this?

The individuals committed to this cause have a vision for a better world, not just for the immediate future but for generations to come.

The goal is to ignite a worldwide renaissance where everyone on this planet lives in peace and prosperity.

Every human soul comes into this world with a unique creative mission, but so many end up living "lives of quiet desperation", trapped in economic destitution or within severe economic boundaries, unable to improve their lives.

We live in a world where the wealth of the aristocracy is protected by politicians who are their paid vassals, while the majority of people are held in serfdom by policies ostensibly created for their benefit. Ready access to debt is a perfect example. By taking on massive debt, consumers have become indentured servants to the financial corporations, especially after the bankruptcy "reform" law of 2005 which required massive amounts of corporate lobbying (legalized bribery) to pass.

We plan to create economic policies that expand opportunity and improve the lives of everyone on this planet. The 28th Amendment will be the foundation of those policies.

Won't eliminating the corporate income tax just increase the deficit and make things worse?

"In 2023, the total revenues of the U.S. government was around 4.44 trillion U.S. dollars." [ref]

"Revenue from corporate income tax in the United States amounted to 420 billion U.S. dollars in 2023. [about 9.5% of federal revenue]."[ref]

"The corporate tax rate stands at 21%."[ref]

Very few corporations pay this rate because of the corruption of corporate lobbying. So the injection of funds into the economy from the 28th Amendment would be far greater than the revenue from the corporate income tax.

Economists will need to run their models, but it is a safe assumption that the provisions of the 28th Amendment, especially the fiscal restrictions and their affect on lowering interest rates, will lead to greater economic growth and prosperity than the current mess we are in now.

Absolutely, we should be concerned about the deficit. We are heading towards a hyper-inflationary cliff, a currency collapse, social chaos and the rise of an authoritarian ruler. [If you like this scenario, get into your time machine and go back to Germany in the 1920s.]

We need to put the brakes on before we head over that cliff. The 28th Amendment applies the brakes. Nothing else does. The Congress of the United States is a corrupt aristocracy. Do you think they will instantly find integrity? They will not.

If you think the rise of an authoritarian ruler is not possible in America, you have not been listening to Donald J. Trump and you do not have an awareness of the people he admires most.

Everyone needs to familiarize themselves with Project 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k3UvaC5m7o It is Trump's Mein Kampf.

Try to look at everything the 28th Amendment does and see the big picture.

Attaining political goals is all about compromise and building coalitions. You never get everything you want. You must try to move forward on the path up the mountain. Or you can stay in your cave, argue with shadows as they dance across the wall and wait for the economic apocalypse. You are certainly free to do so, for now.

Is the provision in section "7.i." reparations for African-Americans?


If you think that the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and prejudice does not negatively affect African-Americans today, you are not an aware human being.

Providing an enhanced opportunity for African-Americans to realize the American dream would be a good thing: "For the next 345 years (1964 -1619) following the ratification of this amendment, an additional 1% of federal revenues shall be allocated for funding early stage businesses owned by African Americans."

That would amount to about $50 Billion every year for businesses owned by African-Americans.

"In 2023, there was a total of $170.6 billion of VC invested in 15,766 deals." [ref] Only a small portion of that total (0.41%, less than 1%) went to businesses owned by African Americans.

"VC investments in Black-owned startups reached nearly $5 billion in the U.S. in 2021. That figure plummeted by more than half to $2.4 billion in 2022. Crunchbase found in 2023, just $705 million in venture funding went to Black-owned startups, the first year that figure was less than $1 billion since 2016." [ref]

The 28th Amendment will increase funding for businesses owned by African Americans by 70x, and sustain that investment year over year.

More could be done, but this would be a good start.

How do the numbers on fiscal responsibility work out?

When a fiscal year ends with federal expenditures exceeding 30% of GDP or with the federal government in excessive debt (200% of GDP or above), the total annual expenditures for the following fiscal year shall increase at a rate no greater than 1%.

GDP is the value of all goods and services produced by an economy in a given year; on a personal level, GDP correlates to total family income. In 2023 GDP for the U.S. was $27.36 trillion.[ref]

The public debt of the United States at the end of March 2024 was $34.6 trillion." [ref] That is 126% of GDP (34.6 / 27.36). If your family had $100,000 in annual income and had a mortgage debt of $126,000, would that be sustainable? Of course, and you would have a house to live in. But what if you had $126,000 in credit card debt and nothing to show for it? That would be bad.

Federal expenditures in 2023 were $6.134 trillion (22.8% of GDP) with a $1.695 trillion deficit.[ref] This mans our deficit represented 6.20% of our GDP ($1.695 / $27.36).

In 2023 GDP grew at a rate of 3.1%.[ref]

In 2023 the national debt grew at a rate of 7.9% (from $31.24 trillion to $33.70 trillion).[ref]

This means our national debt is growing faster than our economy (7.9% v 3.1%). This is a recipe for disaster, eventually.

Right now, we are dancing in the dark near the edge of a cliff. No economist knows where that cliff edge (hyper-inflation and currency collapse) really is, so we need to make intuitive common sense evaluations.

As a family, if needed, could you dedicate 30% of your income to goods and services provided for the general welfare, from which you would also benefit? Probably, if you were receiving real value for those payments you could justify the expenditure.

But what if a large portion of that amount was going to pay interest on existing debt ($870 billion in 2024)?[ref] Would that be a good idea? No. Just like families, governments need to keep their fiscal house in order. If you run up your credit card debt and pay increasingly higher payments, your family finances are in jeopardy, especially if interest rates go up.

For both families and governments, the best course of action is to make prudent financial decisions. Do not take on irresponsible kinds or amounts of debt. Make wise financial expenditures (like infrastructure and science). And NEVER allow your debt to grow faster than your income.

Right now, after four years of Trump and four years of Biden, our fiscal house is in disarray. Trump added $5.56 trillion to the national debt. Biden will have added $7.44 trillion by the end of this fiscal year.[ref]

The 28th Amendment puts a brake on government spending and the resulting inflation by limiting annual increases to 1% in times of high debt and/or high spending relative to GDP. Amazingly, the "1% Solution" puts our fiscal house back in order in a period of about eight years.

Economists will need to run their models, but it is a safe assumption that the provisions of the 28th Amendment, especially the fiscal restrictions and their affect on lowering interest rates, will lead to greater economic growth and prosperity than the current mess we are in now.

Even though we are not at the limits (we have not maxed out our credit cards yet), we should apply the 1% solution starting today. Limit the growth of federal spending to 1% and hope the economy grows at a faster rate.

Does the 28th Amendment try to do "too much"?

That will definitely be one of the attack vectors by those desperate to kill this amendment. But the definite answer is...


Read through each section line by line.

Every idea will gain widespread popular support.

Please Contact Us with other questions.